Signal for starting the construction of the first Romanian church in Scandinavia

On the morning of April 21,
Topography specialists give the start signal for starting the construction of the first Romanian church in Scandinavia

Experts appointed by the administrative authorities in Stockholm begins on the morning of Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 9.00, topographic mapping operations of the perimeter which is intended for the construction of the first Romanian wooden churches in Scandinavia.

Confirmation of these operations was obtained from the authorities on Monday by Mrs. Elena Borca, president of the Romanian-Swedish Cultural Association "Frăţia" who said on this occasion that it is "the first step that gives the signal for construction. After placement of a fence around the field then we can begin construction works."

Considering the importance of the event, those who wish, may attend these operations.

"It is a great event and an important step forward which means that soon will begin construction. Again, ask all Romanians, do not hesitate to make a contribution to help the project by making deposits through deposit account for project. Everything in this project is done for the Romanian community in Stockholm and for all Romanians in Scandinavia. Those who can sponsor with higher amounts are requested to contact the phone number 0704974663 because there are legal printed documents stating sponsorship and they will be delivered on sponsorships made", Mrs. Elena Borca specified.

Project of building the first Romanian church in Scandinavia and a cultural complex was started by the Romanian-Swedish Cultural Association "FRATIA" that obtained for this purpose 9000 square meters in district Bredang , Sweden's capital.

The project is important for the Romanian community in Sweden, Stockholm having a important potentially to promote spirituality and promoting the image of Romanians in the world.

The minimum amount that can contribute to support the first Romanian church in Stockholm is SEK 100 per month and to be submitted to the bank account of Romanian-Swedish Cultural Association "FRATIA",

- BG: 5923-7941(SWEDBANK) -

(bank account that is intended for project), until 27 of each month for one year, starting with the first deposit you make, specification "Donation for building the church" .

It also can make donations to the following accounts:

Rumänsk-Svenska Kulturföreningen ”FRATIA”

International Account number:
IBAN / SE13 8000 0832 7990 3237 9365
Address of bank:
Swedbank AB (pub) Box 147
141 28 HUDDINGE; Sweden

Rumänska Ortodoxa Kyrkan i Stockholm

International Account number:
IBAN: SE09 8000 0832 7902 3561 2785
Adresa de bancă:
Swedbank AB(publ) Box: 205
147 01 TUMBA; Sweden

Those who wish to use for donations and sponsorships direct bank account transfer, can make this transfer with the following coordinates:

Account of Romanian-Swedish Cultural Association "FRATIA",

- BG: 5923-7941(SWEDBANK)
Bankkontonr: 8327-9, 903 237 936 – 5, account for project
Church account
– BG: 5296 – 2693 (SWEDBANK)
Bankkontonr: 8327-9, 23 561 278-5
Romanian-Swedish Cultural Association "FRATIA"
Web site -
Box: 2072 127 02 Skarholmen 802401-2190 Pg. 107 64 68 - 6 BG: 5923 - 7941
Tel. 08 - 531 807 44

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