"Activ Spirit", ungdomsorganisationen av rumänsk-svenska kulturföreningen FRĂŢIA, som skickas till alla medlemmar, samarbetspartners, vänner-ouer bästa tankar, tillsammans med de traditionella rumänska hälsningar "Glad Påsk" och "Kristus är uppstånden!"
"Happy Easter", "Christ is risen!"
"Activ Spirit", youth organization of the Romanian-Swedish Cultural Association FRĂŢIA, sent to all members, collaborators, friends- ouer best thoughts, along with the traditional romanian greetings "Happy Easter"and "Christ is risen!"
"Paşte fericit!", "Hristos a înviat!"
"Activ Spirit", organizaţia de tineret a Asociaţiei Culturale Româno-suedeze Frăţia, transmite tuturor membrilor, colaboratorilor, prietenilor, cele mai bune gânduri , împreună cu tradiţionalele urări "Paşte fericit!" şi "Hristos a înviat!"
Procession of the Resurrection at the place where the cornerstone was laid for the first Romanian church in Stockholm
Procession of the Resurrection will take this year in Stockholm, a meaning in addition to other years. Thus, the participantsl who will attend the Easter service at Assumption Parish district Bredäng will go in procession to the place where the cornerstone was laid the first Romanian church architecture, Maramures, in Scandinavia.
Location assigned by authorities to build this building in the capital of Sweden is at a distance of approximately 150 meters from the Swedish church in which are now housed religious activities of the Assumption Parish - Bredäng district - where his father George Borca and activities of the Romanian-Swedish Cultural Association, "Frăţia", serving the Romanian community of Stockholm.
For religious procession of the Resurrection were obtained necessary approvals from authorities.
Believers will travel distance to place the foundation stone of the future Romanian churches, will surround the symbolic site, with a view to return to the Swedish church service to be held according to tradition, after bypassing the church by those present.
Resurrection religious service will begin at 24.00 followed by the participants to receive light, according to tradition, the procession takes place.
Location assigned by authorities to build this building in the capital of Sweden is at a distance of approximately 150 meters from the Swedish church in which are now housed religious activities of the Assumption Parish - Bredäng district - where his father George Borca and activities of the Romanian-Swedish Cultural Association, "Frăţia", serving the Romanian community of Stockholm.
For religious procession of the Resurrection were obtained necessary approvals from authorities.
Believers will travel distance to place the foundation stone of the future Romanian churches, will surround the symbolic site, with a view to return to the Swedish church service to be held according to tradition, after bypassing the church by those present.
Resurrection religious service will begin at 24.00 followed by the participants to receive light, according to tradition, the procession takes place.
Procesiunea slujbei de Înviere -la locul în care s-a pus piatra de temelie a primei biserici româneşti din Stockholm
Procesiunea slujbei de Înviere va avea în acest an, la Stockholm, o semnificaţie în plus faţă de alţi ani. Astfel, credincioşii care vor participa la slujba de Paşti de la Parohia Adormirea Maicii Domnului din cartierul Bredäng, vor merge în cadrul procesiunii pâna la locul în care s-a pus piatra de temelie a primei biserici cu arhitectură românească, maramureşeană, din Scandinavia. Locul atribuit de autorităţi pentru construirea acestui edificiu în Capitala Suediei se află la o distanţă de aproximativ 150 de metri de biserica suedeză în care sunt găzduite în prezent activităţile religioase ale Parohiei Adormirea Maicii Domnului din cartierul Bredäng- unde slujeşte părintele Gheorghe Borca- şi cele ale Asociaţiei Culturale Româno-Suedeze Frăţia, în folosul comunităţii româneşti din Stockholm.
Pentru procesiunea religioasă de la slujba de Înviere au fost obţinute de la autorităţi aprobările necesare. Credincioşii vor parcurge distanţa până la locul pietrei de temelie a viitoarei biserici româneşti, vor înconjura locul în mod simbolic, urmând ca la întoarcere în biserica suedeză slujba să fie desfăşurată conform tradiţiei, după ocolirea bisericii de către cei prezenţi.
Slujba de Înviere va începe la ora 24.00 urmând ca după ce credincioşii primesc lumina , conform tradiţiei, să aibă loc procesiunea.
Programa slujbelor religioase de Paşti la biserica din Bredäng-Stockholm
Joi 1 Aprilie ora 14.00 - Denia celor 12 EVANGHELII,
Vineri 2 Aprilie ora 18.00 - Denia Prohodului Domnului,
Sâmbătă 3 Aprilie ora 24.00 – Învierea Domnului,
Duminică 4 Aprilie ora 14.00 – Sfintele Paşti,
Luni 5 Aprilie ora 14.00 – Sfintele Paşti (a doua zi )
Pentru procesiunea religioasă de la slujba de Înviere au fost obţinute de la autorităţi aprobările necesare. Credincioşii vor parcurge distanţa până la locul pietrei de temelie a viitoarei biserici româneşti, vor înconjura locul în mod simbolic, urmând ca la întoarcere în biserica suedeză slujba să fie desfăşurată conform tradiţiei, după ocolirea bisericii de către cei prezenţi.
Slujba de Înviere va începe la ora 24.00 urmând ca după ce credincioşii primesc lumina , conform tradiţiei, să aibă loc procesiunea.
Programa slujbelor religioase de Paşti la biserica din Bredäng-Stockholm
Joi 1 Aprilie ora 14.00 - Denia celor 12 EVANGHELII,
Vineri 2 Aprilie ora 18.00 - Denia Prohodului Domnului,
Sâmbătă 3 Aprilie ora 24.00 – Învierea Domnului,
Duminică 4 Aprilie ora 14.00 – Sfintele Paşti,
Luni 5 Aprilie ora 14.00 – Sfintele Paşti (a doua zi )
Swedish realities and interests of young Romanians for them
Forum "ACTIV SPIRIT" having the theme "SWEDISH REALITY" was in March 28, the opportunity for a brief overview of some important aspects of Sweden and on the context in which integration issues concerning young people today in Scandinavian society.
Gabriel Ursescu, President of "Activ Spirit" -youth organization Romanian-Swedish Cultural Association" Brother "- supported the theme wich of the introductory part was a raid in geography, history and culture of Sweden.
The participants were actively involved in the talks that have reached some of the major concerns of the Romanian youth on the road to integration into Swedish society.
The problem of integration, communication and acquire the Swedish language, in particular integration issues by obtaining a stable job and communicating with institutions that have expertise in social, proved to be the main concerns that led to the involvement of young people participating in discussion forums.
As previously announced program, the event took place from 17.00, the exhibition hall hosted by the Swedish Church in Bredäng-Stockholm
Gabriel Ursescu, President of "Activ Spirit" -youth organization Romanian-Swedish Cultural Association" Brother "- supported the theme wich of the introductory part was a raid in geography, history and culture of Sweden.
The participants were actively involved in the talks that have reached some of the major concerns of the Romanian youth on the road to integration into Swedish society.
The problem of integration, communication and acquire the Swedish language, in particular integration issues by obtaining a stable job and communicating with institutions that have expertise in social, proved to be the main concerns that led to the involvement of young people participating in discussion forums.
As previously announced program, the event took place from 17.00, the exhibition hall hosted by the Swedish Church in Bredäng-Stockholm
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