First day of March, symbolizing the beginning of spring, occasions ACTIVE SPIRIT members, youth organization of Swedish Romanian cultural association FRĂŢIA, the opportunity to transmit, to forward all acquaintances best wishes, together with a symbolic and traditional Romanian Martisor.
Prima zi a lunii martie, simbolizând începutul primăverii, prilejuieşte membrilor ACTIV SPIRIT organizaţia de tineret a asociaţiei culturale româno suedeze FRĂŢIA, ocazia de a transmite tuturor un gând frumos şi urări de mai bine, împreună cu un simbolic şi tradiţional mărţişor românesc.

"ROMANIAN Superlatives ", marked the end of February under the logo of Activ Spirit

" ROMANIAN Superlatives " is the motto under which took place Sunday, February 28, in Stockholm, starting at 17.00, the exhibition hall of the Swedish Church Bredäng district, the forum with the same title, part of the timing of actions "Activ Spirit", the youth organization of the Romanian Swedish Cultural Association "Frăţia".
 Theme was supported by the Emanuel Stoica, spokesman for the Active Spirit and proposed a foray into the world of Romanian superlatives, personalities represented in fields of science, art, culture, coming from the Romanian space, offered as authentic values of humanity.
 Names of representative figures, top leaders in various areas such as Emil Cioran, Mircea Eliade, Eugene Ionesco, Henri Coanda, Nadia Comaneci, soprano Angela Gheorghiu, are some examples of outstanding Romanians, true Romanian superlative who won with honor, places in heritage of humanity.

They have been raised with the broader themes of mechanisms that propelled superlatives at a proper place in modern society.
 The topic has generated active participation of those present, constituting a possible premise of a series of conference on this subject.
 " ROMANIAN Superlatives" is the title of a project to promote Romanian authentic values, going on a subsequent blog of official blog of Activ Spirit and constitutes an invitation to know the true value offered by the Romanian to humanity.
So far, at the blog ROMANIAN SUPERLATIVES, http://romaniansuperlatives.blogspot.com/  can be found presentations for more than 40 superlatives in various fields, who started on the path assertion from Romanian cultural and geographical space .
Presentations are in Romanian and English, supplemented by audio and video sequences.