Stockholms Stadsmission are (yet again!) looking for volunteers that speak other European languages to advice and support programme for foreign EU citizens that will start in Stockholm during the spring! We hope that you have the opportunity to spread this information or attached appeal in your networks.

The programme will address foreign EU citizens that live in sever poverty, homelessness and/or unemployment in Stockholm. We estimate that 50-100 people from other EU countries will visit the centre each day and get advice and support from both employees and volunteers.

We are searching for volunteers that are interested in working with and for EU citizens that live in poverty, homelessness and/or unemployment in Stockholm. Our clients have often come to Sweden hoping to find work but have not found enough to support themselves and persists in a extremely vulnerable situation. We are looking for volunteers that are able to work daytime in an advice and support centre in central Stockholm – 2 times a month or more often – and that are able to speak any of the following languages:

  • French
  • Italian
  • Polish
  • Romanian
  • Romani (Romani chib or Rom)
  • Russian
  • Spanish

If interested, contact Malena Bonnier at for more information!

Stockholms Stadsmission and other non-profit organizations in Stockholm have a seen a marked increase in foreign EU citizens in its open daycentres for adults that live in acute homelessness during the last couple of years. Today, some centres in Stockholm get visits from approx. 70-130 EU citizens each day.

Project EU Citizen is a collaboration between Stockholms Stadsmission, the City of Stockholm, Arbetsförmedlingen and the Salvation Army with several other non-profit organizations in Stockholm – the Red Cross, Doctors in the World, S:ta Clara kyrka, Citykyrkan and Ny Gemenskap – and is financed by, among others, the European Social Fund.

The project will open and run an advice and support centre for the target group during two years. The programme aims to counteract poverty and homelessness as well as act network-buildning, resource-managing and opinion-making. The majority of the target group are labour migrants from Eastern Europe, primarily Romania and Poland. Growing numbers are citizens of countries from outside Europe, primarily North and Central Africa, that have lived and worked for long in Spain, France or Italy for many years.

Malena Bonnier
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Malena Bonnier
Projekt EU-medborgare | Project EU Citizen
Stockholms Stadsmission | Stockholm City Mission
Tfn: 070-222 98 23 | Ph: +46 70 222 98 23